
Saturday 27 December 2014

Local Treasures

Coming soon to Whipple Tree Junction

I am happy to tell everyone we will be part of a local artist store. They will be featuring art works from many different artists in the area and I have the Honor of being one of the artists that will be displaying their work for sale in the store. Gerry will also have wood working items paired with my pottery.

Opening day is attentively scheduled for January 15, 2015

Shawnigan Light up 2014 with Inspire Shawnigan

The light up night at Shawnigan Lake was great fun. At Inspire Shawnigan there was potato stamping and Ornament decorating. There was also Mulled Apple juice and Carolers.

I was there with an assortment of ornaments for the kids to decorate. We went through about 100 ornaments and there was quite the crowd at one point. Crazy for 2 hours. Great energy.

I want to thank all the people who run ( for non-profit) Inspire Shawnigan for having me there with my work and donating to the Community Light Up for Shawnigan Village.

2014 Craft Fair experience ( My first year with the Pottery)

Finally after all the Christmas rush for gifts and events I have an update for everyone.

Both craft fairs we attended went well for us this year. Good sales and more great contacts. One of the highlights was meeting a teacher from the local elementary school and arranging with her to do ornament decorations with her class. To my great pleasure she showed my samples to her co-works and I got 3 more classes the week before winter break. It was noisy, messy, chaotic at times but great fun with the kids. Grades 3-7. They want me to come back in the new year and talk about other projects to do with the kids.

Here are some photo's of My Craft Fair table set up.

My pre-set up for the Cowichan Fire Hall show.

Center image of Clock by Gerry. Was made all by Hand no electric tools used. All hand cut, plained, sanded, no nails. Out of pine wood.

Shawnigan Lake Craft Fair. Shared a table with a friend.
There are wooden items that Gerry made also.
The end table has my ornaments hanging already painted.
I have a small basket with unpainted ones as well. For do it yourself crafters.

Along with my Water Color / Ink cards.

I enjoyed the time spent doing the shows and making ornaments. I learned a lot about what people are looking for and to start now with making plain ornaments for next year.

Some samples of the painted ornaments I did. and were for sale. Some of the choices are available plain for anyones own personal touch.